Fear of Letting Go

The IT guy at work came to my office this morning and told me that he needs to wipe my computer clean and give me a new one. He probably saw the look of panic on my face as he told me this! This is something that scares the crap out of me, but why?! Well, logically it’s because I have all of my business documents on the computer and haven’t backed them up yet. But, if I dig deeper, I realized that it’s because I have a hard time of letting go of the old and stepping into the new. Unknowingly to him, he was actually showing me that I am ready to let go of the old and step into something unknown and new, a new chapter of my life. Sometimes, we are needing a little nudge in the right direction. And sometimes it may feel like the wrong direction, but our soul, deep down inside, is connected to this direction, we just need to get out of our own way to let things happen and trust.

The fear of the future and the unknown has always scared me, I’m sure it has for many people. In the last three years I’ve needed to move through into the unknown on many occasions. Some of these occasions were created by myself and some of these occasions were created for me. So, what have I learned from moving through the unknown?! I’ve learned that the key is to be present. Expect the unexpected and to take things one day at a time. And, investigate the beliefs that are surfacing, there are so many gems to uncover!


How could the Coronavirus be showing up for you?


Overcoming Fear - from a Child’s Perspective